Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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New features for Django Packages

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Since the Django Dash ended, the Django Packages team has been working to add new features and close out bugs.

"I Use This" added

Since we only want hard metrics on this site, we incorporated an "I Use This" button on the packages. This is so you can identify which packages you use. Please don't press this button for packages that you like, only the ones that are part of your coding efforts.

Added BitBucket support

We are still working out some of the kinks for coming up with stats from BitBucket. Most of the data we collect is fetched via the API, but a little is scraped off individual project pages.

Cache the commits

Originally the commit history was  fetched live. But Github only provides the last 35 commits and BitBucket limits you to the last 50 commits. So now we store the commit history and update it nightly. Which means that the sooner you post your packages the better your commit history will look on Django Packages.

Rebuilt the package updater

Limitations on how many API calls you can make against Github (60 a minute) meant that we had to write some fun code to get around that problem. I think the problem is solved now, but I'm worried I might get to eat my words.

Added a help section

As much as we wanted a completely intuitive site, this will hopefully make it easier for people to figure out how to participate on the site.

Package Add/Edit form refactor

We completely rebuilt the Package add/edit form to make it easier to add packages. So far the response has been entirely positive.

Page cleanup and CSS Reset

We've been slowly cleaning up the HTML and resetting the CSS. Everything is looking prettier. Our goal is to make things more readable, so a lot of the changes are subtle.

Email verification works

It works, and now you get an email to confirm your account.

6 comments captured from original post on Blogger

Unknown said on 2010-08-29

Awesome! It's crazy how quick you guys are pumping out features. Way to go.

pydanny said on 2010-09-08


Do you mean like a rating system for packages? If so, we aren't going to implement that feature. We didn't want to include comments or ratings because we only are going to serve hard metrics.

D said on 2010-09-14

Hi, first, it's a great site for any djangonaut! Thank you guys!

I think it would be useful if you make the search field available on all pages :)

pydanny said on 2010-09-14


Excellent idea. We've meant to add it but haven't a ticket it for it until just now ()

We plan to revisit the design of the site this weekend or next week.

pydanny said on 2010-09-14

@Dolugan see https://www.djangopackages.com/packages/p/djangopackages/

D said on 2010-09-14

Great, thanks!

Tags: django django packages legacy-blogger
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