Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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My PyCon 2012 Schedule

Here I was thinking that this year's PyCon wasn't going to be so busy because I didn't submit a talk or tutorial. Ha! What the heck was I thinking?

Here's what I've already got in the works.

Wednesday, March 7th

Me and Audrey are driving up from Los Angeles. I've wanted to do this drive for a while, so this is very exciting. We'll arrive in the evening and hopefully tag up with friends old and new.

Thursday, March 8th

I'm moderating the Code Reuse panel of the Python Web Summit. Have you submitted a question yet?

In the evening we'll be helping assemble bags for the conference. That's always a blast.

Friday, March 9th

PyCon really begins! I'll be at the keynotes, and then the talks begin. These are some of the talks I'm really leaning towards watching:

The problem, of course, is that all the talks look awesome. Missing some of these talks is going to hurt.

In the evening we're going to the New Relic/Loggly/Skull Candy party and hang out at the (in)famous TIP BOF.

Saturday, March 10th

I'll be at the Consumer Notebook Startup Row booth all day! Come and hang out with us and all the other bright, new companies.

In the evening I'm hosting the PyCon Capoeira Open Space. We've got a seriously large room assigned for the event, and over twenty five people currently signed up to participate (there's still room for signups). Even if you don't want to play a musical instrument or learn/play at Capoeira, come anyway to watch. Some of the players there have some seriously amazing skills - I can assure you've seen them in the movies.

Sunday, March 11th

More talks!

Monday March 12 - Thursday, March 15

Sprints! Nothing set in stone yet, but some ideas I've had include:

  • Launch python.opencomparison.org for all of Python.
  • OpenComparison integration of PyPI OpenID, SourceForge OAUTH, and BitBucket OAUTH.
  • Improved OpenComparison integration of the Launchpad API.
  • Implement Gitorious API for OpenComparison.
  • Implement Text Based search for OpenComparison.
  • Hack on Mongo related technologies such as django-mongonaut and some other planned projects.

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Tags: python pycon consumernotebook django
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